Why Work/Life Balance Isn’t Good

Margarita Tartakovsky has an interesting article where she explores work-life balance flaws. In it she champions work-life satisfaction instead of balance.

Consider the three key categories. Loflin breaks his life down into these areas: work, self, and relationships. He regularly asks himself honest questions about each area to understand his satisfaction. He shared these examples:

  • Work: “What did I do to move a project forward today? If I used my time like I did today for the next 30 days, would my business grow or shrink?”
  • Self: “Did I start my day in such a way that it provided me with the physical, emotional, and mental energy I needed? Am I a better person because of the choices I made today?”
  • Relationships: “Did I do my best to be an encouragement to everyone I interacted with today? Did I do my best to grow at least one relationship today?”

This is a great read, well worth your time. You can find it here.

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