If you’re a savvy shopper looking to spread cheer without overspending, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will guide you through ten fantastic and budget-friendly stocking stuffers.
In the fast-paced world we live in, finding ways to rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and souls has become more critical than ever. Imagine if the solution to your wellness needs could be found in something as simple and natural as sound. Intrigued? Let’s explore the captivating world of healing frequencies and how you can harness their …
Recovering from the Loss of a Loved One -It’s important to recognize that there’s no right or wrong way to grieve; find the path to healing that works for you.
“Simple Happiness” by Jim Ryan serves as a beacon of light for those lost in the complexities of life, yearning to reclaim the simplicity of joy. Each of the 52 ways to elevate your mood and perspective is a testament to the belief that happiness isn’t as elusive as it seems—it’s merely a few thoughtful changes away.
In this article, we’ll discuss the best natural remedies for migraine relief, including some best practices that can help reduce the frequency of migraines.
Earthing is a simple and effective way to support a healthy lifestyle, and in this blog, we will look at the top 7 benefits of grounding with Mother Earth.
Meditation is a practice of mindfulness that involves focusing the mind on the present while letting go of all thoughts, worries to help find inner peace.
Music has the power to move us emotionally, physically, and mentally. It lifts our mood, reduces stress, and has a positive impact on our health and well-being.
Hi all, I am making cough/cold/flu syrup next weekend. I call it the Kitchen Sink. It’s got everything in there. Here’s what I’m going to use: Cold and flu: Elderberries Clears Mucus Quickens recovery Anti-inflammatory Iron Zinc Vitamin C Immune booster Decongestant Expectorant Pineapple juice Vitamins A & C Aids in digestion Honey Sore throat Lemon …
Scientist in the UK are creating a wearable robot sewn into trousers that will help keep people upright as they age. Small balloons that are sewn into clothing are enhancing the muscular system in the body. According to research, these pants can help keep cognitive skills healthy because the wearing will keep active. See the video …
These eight nutrients are best for brain function. The researchers narrowed down the 32 nutritional substances provided by a traditional Mediterranean diet to several that appear to play key roles in healthy brain aging, enhanced cognitive performance, functional brain network efficiency, executive function, and general intelligence. These include omega-3 fatty acids, found in significant amounts in fatty fish and fish …
There are a whole slew of research linking not eating meat to depression, but questions still remain about why. Is it predisposition? People who are predisposed to depression also select vegetarian/vegan status? Is it social? Being vegan or vegetarian limits people’s social opportunities, thus driving depression? Is it chemical? Something in the lack of animal protein …
So, this happened, A new phone that can cure phone addiction. Sounds unbelievable? Absolutely, But don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself and let me know below. Here’s the skinny. This small basic phone with no GPS, music, or apps will be carried in addition to your smart phone. All it does, phone calls …
A couple years ago I was injured in an accident. Very soon afterward I called my mother. Her advice: “Forgive the other driver or you will never heal.” It turns out my mother was right (So not shocked there.), and here is the info that backs her up. The upshot: Forgive and Heal Holding a grudge, …
How much walking does it take to see health benefits? Studies suggest 150 minute per week to drop your chances of death and heart disease by 20%. Working out regularly can extend your life, ward off heart disease and various cancers, rebuild the muscle and bone strength lost with age, and reduce levels of anxiety and …
Margarita Tartakovsky has an interesting article where she explores work-life balance flaws. In it she champions work-life satisfaction instead of balance. Consider the three key categories. Loflin breaks his life down into these areas: work, self, and relationships. He regularly asks himself honest questions about each area to understand his satisfaction. He shared these examples: Work: “What …
In his Article, The Value of Mini-Vacations author Jamie Gruman PhD. explores the benefits of mini vacations as oppose to one long vacation per year. He makes the point that you get the same restorative value from a mini vacation as a long vacation, but if you take mini vacations more often you get a longer …
I ran across this little gem recently. This author cut out sugar for one month and found amazing results. She not only halted the belly bloat she had been experiencing, but also found her acne stopped cold. There is also results that link sugar consumption to inflammation in the body. I am willing to give this …
In our busy loud world it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain focus. Here are some great ideas to help maintain your focus form Suzanne Kane and PsychCentral. Personal Time Out – Clear your head and do nothing. Self Discipline – It is the only way to get what you want. Real Family Face time – …
Is it possible to become more likable? This author says “yes.” Your words become your reality. “You are what you say.” Fair or not, what you communicate to others can lead others to make assumptions about your character — a concept called spontaneous trait inference. Read the full article here.
Are you having trouble just being with yourself? This article might have some help for you. Step One: figure out if you are an extrovert or introvert. Step Two: Ease into it. Step Three: Reflect on your self-reflection. Read all seven steps here.
Is it time to move on in your life? Time to start fresh? Kick the hurt and pain of the past away? This article can give you 5 ways to begin. My favorite, and one I have a hard time with, Forgive. …forgiving yourself may be an important part of this step as well, as sometimes …
Ran across this little gem in my RSS feed this morning. Here is the skinny. Green leafy veggies (kale, spinach, etc.) for a prebiotic boost. Cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage and whatnot) feed the good bacteria in your gut. Sweet potatoes, more prebiotics. Coconut milk, increases intestinal permeability. Berries, improves gut microbiome and adds fiber. Flax seeds …
Most people agree that procrastination is not good, but is it always bad? This article list 10 reasons procrastination is good. Here are some highlights: 1. Procrastination helps you learn to manage delay. The ancient Greeks knew a thing or two about living the good life. In fact, Greek philosophers highly valued procrastination, as much as …
Intermittent fasting has a whole host of good things. While you deny your body of food, it heals and rebuilds (autophagy), it burns fat for weight loss, and it improves glucose tolerance. However, this article reveals that these benefits may not be as robust and in some cases reversed in women during childbearing years. Studies show …
Everyone’s talking about inflammation and how bad it is……. but, do you know what it is, really? Here is a great article about it and how your diet can help reduce it. In broad terms, inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to a stimulus.This can be in response to common injuries such as burning …
Short Answer: Maybe American’s might be blocking the sun so well (Sunscreen: SPF 15+) that we are not getting enough Vitamin D. It may be time to go without the sunscreen occasionally and get some sun. Read more about it here. U.S.News got in touch with Robyn Lucas, an epidemiologist at Australian National University who led …
I am not sure science can be relied upon for much these days. They seem to be contradicting themselves constantly. The most recent reversal? Cholesterol. A new study, “Dietary cholesterol promotes repair of demyelinated lesions in the adult brain” by Berghoff, Gerndt et al, finds a link between dietary cholesterol and the remyelination of the adult …
A recent study, “Hippocampal GABA enables inhibitory control over unwanted thoughts (Schmitz, Correia 2017),” has shown a link between the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus in inhibiting unwanted thoughts. Previously thought to be the sole work of the prefrontal cortex, researchers have found that an overactive hippocampus can derail the brains ability to suppress unwanted thoughts. …
Many people have asked why I substitute cornstarch in my bath bombs recipes with Slippery elm. After all, it makes the bath bomb a funny color and a bit misshapen. Here’s why. One of my most favorite herbal remedies is Slippery Elm or Ulmus rubra. This little tree bark packs a healing punch like no other. …
It is said that Hippocrates prescribed laughter to his patients in 4 B.C.E. Was he on to something or was he a fraud? How Laughter Helps Actually, modern research agrees with Hippocrates. Researchers have been studying this since the 1970’s, but it really gained traction in the early 80s when writer Norman Cousins cured himself of …
Goals are extremely important to our sense of well-being. But, not just any goals, research has shown goals with certain characteristics are achieved easier and help make us happy. Here’s the skinny on goal setting for a high completion rate and max benefit. Make goals that have personal meaning to you. Make goals that align with …
Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the number one neurological disease in America and is the most common form of dementia. The side effects of this disease are devastating to the patient, the family and the community where they reside. This paper investigates 3 new treatments for AD, TMS with cognitive training, deep brain stimulation, and insulin …
The major objections noted include concerns about glamorizing and glorifying eating disorders, as well as teaching “tips and tricks” for weight loss and hiding behaviors from treatment providers. Psychology Today rips Netflix new video regarding anorexia nervosa. Thanks to Psychology Today for pointing out the foibles of this movie – as is your responsibility. Remember, it …
A rock and a hard place. I’m sitting here at my desk, headache, pressure, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, roll of toilet paper under heavy use. Welcome to spring in Houston. Tree pollen is off the charts, cars are covered with a dingy green powder and I am miserable. I have taken Claritin and Benadryl, but those …
The last thing you want is to get blindsided by a fast-talker. Email is great because it slows down the process and gives you time to think. Also, email gives you a written record of the conversation. If they try to pin you down on the phone, you can say, “I’m happy to get you that …
When it comes to nutrition, false or misleading information seems to be everywhere. Start a conversation with a stranger—or even a loved one—and you’ll hear how eating fat makes you fat. Too much protein, of course, will kill you deader than a ribeye. And yes, egg yolks are the devil. The worst part? There are still …
While most people know that water is critical for your health, what you may not know is that water makes up about 55 to 65 percent of your body. Many may be surprised to know that losing only four percent of your body weight — roughly the equivalent of riding a bike for three hours in …
Sugar has a wide range of effects on the human body. It appeals to your taste buds, floods your brain with feel-good chemicals, and provides you with a rush of energy. Your body is designed to respond to sugar by releasing insulin from the pancreas. In fact, the pancreas can actually sense when your sugar levels …